Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Next Mix

It's time for a new mix. Thing is, I don't really have any ideas for a particular direction to take the mix. Thus, it's up to one of you, fine readers.

The first person to make a suggestion in a comment will determine the nature of my next mix. Unless what you suggest is impossible for me to do. Then I reserve the right to alter your suggestion to something doable or to accept a suggestion from someone else.

It's up to (one of) you!


Recent Reading Progress:

  • Quotidiana - Patrick Madden
  • How to Be Alone - Jonathan Franzen
  • The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen
  • Lamentations of the Father - Ian Frazier
  • Coyote v. Acme - Ian Frazier
  • Songbook - Nick Hornby
  • Love is a Mixtape - Rob Sheffield

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