Sunday, April 25, 2010

High Violet

The National's new album, High Violet, is awesome. It has passed the "laying in bed late at night with headphones" test, as well as the "late night drive rock out" test. I feel it may be my album of the year when all is said and done and it's January 2011. My favorite tracks are: "Afraid of Everyone","Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks", and "England," which could end up being my favorite song this year.

I may write more about this album sometime.

In the meantime, the entire album can be streamed here, but only until April 27th. Check it out!

Recent Reading Progress:

  • Quotidiana - Patrick Madden
  • How to Be Alone - Jonathan Franzen
  • The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen
  • Lamentations of the Father - Ian Frazier
  • Coyote v. Acme - Ian Frazier
  • Songbook - Nick Hornby
  • Love is a Mixtape - Rob Sheffield

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