Saturday, May 17, 2008

How to Obtain My Awesome Mix

So only one person has given me feedback concerning my mix, "The Beauty of Melancholy." The feedback was positive, by the way. What concerns me is not the lack of feedback concerning the mix, but rather the lack of people downloading the mix. I know this blog is read by a handful of people at most, but those of you in that select group should be excited and eager to listen to this mix. I put a lot of time into it, probably more than I should have, and though it may not be noticeable, the mix was very carefully put together. I really think people, if they enjoy music, will enjoy this mix.

I know that the mix has only been downloaded twice, and that has me wondering if maybe I was unclear about how to obtain it. Unlike most of the sidebar items on the right side of my blog, the mix section contains an actual link. To download the mix, one need only click on "The Beauty of Melancholy." They will then be taken to a site in which they click on another link, and the downloading process will begin. To open the mix, you will need a program that handles .zip files. Win-Rar is a good program that I use. It can be downloaded for free at Using a zip program, you will then be able to extract the twenty tracks that make up the list; they will be in mp3 format and can then be imported in iTunes, Windows Media, Winamp, or whatever program you use to listen to music. That is all it takes.

Basically, I want people to take advantage of these mixes and enjoy them because I want to keep making them. I've always enjoyed putting a mix together, even when that meant recording from CD to cassette tape back in the old days. If anyone has any requests for certain artists or suggestions for mix themes, feel free to let me know. I am more than willing to accomodate you.

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