Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Flaming Pigs on Fire Reunion Tour - Winter '09

So I'm pretty bummed right now, mainly but not strictly because of BYU's poor performance against UNLV tonight. I hate losing in any way, shape, or form. I'm competitive to a fault, I suppose, but I cannot stand losing. It puts me in a terrible mood and leaves me wanting only revenge.

I've got a few things stewing in my head right now, and they will (hopefully) make their way to this blog eventually. For the time being, I am going to take a little time to report on the festivities of my three-day weekend. It was a very good weekend. My brother Mike and I drove down to Cedar City on Saturday afternoon. Our final destination was the home of my best friend, Justin Betts. Justin's older brother, Bryan, and his wife, Ashley, had also made the trip down to Justin's, and it was good to hang out with them all weekend. I find it awesome how well my family and the Betts family get along. We are all friends and have a lot of fun whenever we get together. This weekend was no different.

The purpose of this little gathering was to participate in a reunion tour on Rock Band. Justin, Bryan, and I formed a band one night in November. Our band was named Flaming Pigs on Fire, an homage to the large tattoo on the chest of Christachio, the character I created on Rock Band. That night we ended up playing for at least six hours straight. The time flew by and we only felt tired once we stopped rocking out and time caught up with us.

We all wanted another Flaming Pigs on Fire gathering, and this was the perfect weekend for it. I won't really go into too much depth about the reunion tour, but I will say that we played a crazy amount of time, something like 23 hours between Saturday at 6 p.m. and Monday at 2 a.m. It was incredibly fun. I love rocking out and was perfectly content spending my weekend that way with great friends. Our band is pretty amazing, I gotta say.

I am definitely feeling the effects of the sleep deprivation, but it was worth it. Our fatigue even helped us have an awesome conversation about Mark Wahlberg, The Happening, wind direction change, math, and K-Fed (among many, many other things). All in all, it was a weekend worth remembering.

We googled "flaming pigs on fire" and learned that our band name has awesome historical relevance. Apparently the Romans would set herds of pigs on fire and let them loose amongst enemy elephants, creating chaos and mayhem. Seems like a pretty good description of our band, if you ask me. Who knows when the next reunion tour will take place, but when it does, I assure you there will be rocking and rolling --- as much as is humanly possible with fake instruments.


  1. I must agree that the reunion was absolutely awesome. It is probably the best fake-band ever. And there's never been a better hour and a half conversation about The Happening. I am also still feeling really tired, but it was all worth it. Now where did I put my cape?

  2. Probably next to your frilly shirt and pinstripe pants.


Recent Reading Progress:

  • Quotidiana - Patrick Madden
  • How to Be Alone - Jonathan Franzen
  • The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen
  • Lamentations of the Father - Ian Frazier
  • Coyote v. Acme - Ian Frazier
  • Songbook - Nick Hornby
  • Love is a Mixtape - Rob Sheffield

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