Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A new blog! Aaaahhh!

I'm pleased to announce the creation of a new collaborative blog, I Take It With Jello.  This blog will be written by myself and my homeboy Justin Betts, and it will act as a sort of informal discussion between the two of us on the subject of art, mostly movies and music but not limited to those topics.  We both miss the frequent communication we used to have in our younger years, and because of the physical distance and business of our more adult lives, a new blog seemed like a natural method to communicate more frequently about the movies and music we experience in our daily lives.

Though the blog is in its infancy, we welcome any and all who wish to read it.  Loyal readers of this blog need not worry: I will continue posting and updating this blog as often as I can.  So who knows what that means.

Thank you, goodnight.

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Recent Reading Progress:

  • Quotidiana - Patrick Madden
  • How to Be Alone - Jonathan Franzen
  • The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen
  • Lamentations of the Father - Ian Frazier
  • Coyote v. Acme - Ian Frazier
  • Songbook - Nick Hornby
  • Love is a Mixtape - Rob Sheffield

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