Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm back...

in black. More like back from the black. It's been awhile since I blogged, and while I don't really have any valid excuses for not writing, I think I may have determined something that has been preventing me from writing more.

Basically it's this: my approach to blogging got too cerebral. I spent too much time thinking about things, outlining, planning, etc., and not enough time actually writing. This over-thinking began to take place because I gave myself an unnatural standard to achieve with my writing. It was like I couldn't write unless what I did write was going to be so good it could be published without any substantial revision. I've realized that I was not only more productive as a writer, but what I did write was usually pretty good and enjoyable to read when I didn't take myself too seriously. I need to write because it brings me happiness and contentment, and that's all. I can't feel like I need to produce a masterpiece every time I sit down to blog. It's just got to flow freely and naturally.

I hope consciously acknowledging this hang up will let me overcome it and write as frequently as I once did. It seems like I'm not the only one who is less prolific these days. Is the general enthusiasm for blogging waning? I hope not. I won't delude myself into thinking that I am going to lead the blogging renaissance, but I will do my part.


  1. I need to do better myself. I feel the same way, I feel like I need to write something great. Yet somehow when I do write, it's never anything special, yet works out just fine.

  2. Chris! I write often on my blog, but what I write is pretty lame, but oh well. I am glad I discovered your blog and could read some of your writing, which is good.


Recent Reading Progress:

  • Quotidiana - Patrick Madden
  • How to Be Alone - Jonathan Franzen
  • The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen
  • Lamentations of the Father - Ian Frazier
  • Coyote v. Acme - Ian Frazier
  • Songbook - Nick Hornby
  • Love is a Mixtape - Rob Sheffield

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