Wednesday, April 22, 2009

SOFA 2009!

Last summer I mentioned my desire to organize a movie-watching group with a cool name - PIMPS (Pseudo-Intellectual Movie People Society) was the best I came up with.  Unfortunately, PIMPS was not meant to be.  It never even got off the ground really.  I did, however, form The Book Club, which, depending on who you ask, was a minor success.  My desire to organize a society of people to watch good films recently returned, with a decent name to boot.

I hereby announce my intention to organize and administrate, on a trial basis, the Summer of Film Appreciation, or SOFA.  People interested in joining this group must have one thing only:  an appreciation of good film or at least a desire to learn more and expand your knowledge of film.  SOFA, as I envision it, will not devote itself to watching trivial popcorn blockbusters; instead SOFA will seek out the films that have significance, either historical, social, or cinematic.  SOFA will aim to recognize films of high artistic value, wherever they may be found.

Having taken two film history college courses, my eyes were opened to the vast expanse of films made throughout the hundred plus years of motion picture history, both American and foreign.  It seemed that I would leave every class period of every film class with at least five more films or names of actors and directors to check out.  This lead to my Netflix queue steadily growing until it hit the 500 film limit a few months ago.  I hope that SOFA will be able to create a similar learning environment for others, where their film knowledge will be expanded.  This is not merely an attempt to give others the chance to say, "I watched a silent black and white film, or an obscure French film - look at how cultured and smart I am."  While SOFA members would likely be able to brag in such a manner, I envision different results.  SOFA will seek much more substantial film-viewing experiences by watching films to expand our sympathy and understanding of other people, to create lasting and unforgettable emotional experiences, and to generate insightful and meaningful discussion.

Anyone interested is welcome to participate, and I mean absolutely anyone.  Were SOFA to be successful this summer, I'd be willing to expand its lifespan, renaming it the Society of Film Appreciation.  Let me know if you are interested and willing to reserve at least two hours a week to watch films worth appreciating.

I have what I think to be a pretty cool idea for selecting the films we will watch, but I'll write more about that once the level of interest in SOFA can be ascertained. 


  1. Dude, do we have to be able to watch them with you in person to be able to join. Because that would be impossible for the both of us, but we definitely want to join. Mark us down. I don't know how we would really contribute to conversation either......but we still want to join.

  2. I'm in. I like being a part of groups with fun acronyms.


Recent Reading Progress:

  • Quotidiana - Patrick Madden
  • How to Be Alone - Jonathan Franzen
  • The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen
  • Lamentations of the Father - Ian Frazier
  • Coyote v. Acme - Ian Frazier
  • Songbook - Nick Hornby
  • Love is a Mixtape - Rob Sheffield

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